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30 Keyboard Hacks for PCs

October 05, 2020
laptop on desk

For the Fall 2020 semester, Concordia University Texas has employed the Hybrid-Flexible (Hy-Flex) model, which allows students to make a daily choice of how they attend class — in person or online. Students can continue learning in the environment that's right for them.

Regardless of whether you attend class in person or online, you regularly use a computer. Here are 30 keyboard shortcuts for PCs that will help you become more efficient.

Microsoft Windows PC

(Note: The + indicates that the keys listed should be pressed at the same time. The + is not part of the shortcut.)
Windows + D Minimizes all open windows and goes to the desktop; press again to maximize all windows
Windows + I Opens Settings
Windows + L Logs off immediately
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Opens Task Manager
Windows + ← or → Splits screen and moves to left or right side of screen
Windows + Tab Opens Task View interface (thumbnails of open windows and most recent files)
Windows + P Opens projection options
Windows + E Opens File Explorer
Grab & Shake an Active Window Minimizes all other windows except the one being shaked


Microsoft Word & Excel

(Note: The + indicates that the keys listed should be pressed at the same time. The + is not part of the code.)
Ctrl + F Searches page for keyword(s) entered
Ctrl + C Copies highlighted text
Ctrl + V Pastes item most recently copied
Ctrl + N Open new document/spreadsheet
Ctrl + S Saves document
F12 Opens Save As
Ctrl + K Hyperlinks highlighted text
Ctrl + G Opens Find and Replace
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + A Selects everything on page
Ctrl + P Opens Print


Google Chrome

(Note: The + indicates that the keys listed should be pressed at the same time. The + is not part of the code.)
F5 Refreshes web page
Ctrl + F Searches page for keyword(s) entered
Ctrl + C Copies highlighted text
Ctrl + V Pastes item most recently copied
Ctrl + N Opens new window in web browser
Ctrl + Shift + N Opens new incognito window in web browser
Ctrl + 0 Resets web page to 100% zoom
Ctrl + A Selects everything on page
Ctrl + H Shows browsing history
Ctrl + P Opens Print
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopens most recently viewed tabs
Alt + ← or → Goes to web page before/after current page
Ctrl + D Bookmarks web page
Ctrl + T Opens new tab
Ctrl + J Displays downloads

Do keyboard hacks, coding and other computer-related things fascinate you? Check out the Computer Science program at Concordia University Texas.