CTX Blog

CTX MBA's TopGolf Takeover an evening of networking and entertainment

October 31, 2018
CTX Topgolf Takeover

Last Tuesday, Oct. 23, Concordia University sponsored the 2018 CTX TopGolf Takeover. Spearheaded by the Graduate Admissions office, the event was a platform to bring prospective and current Concordia students together for an evening of networking and entertainment.

A large number of the attendees had applied for the Concordia MBA, an innovative program that delivers an impactful curriculum at great value through on-campus and online class offerings. Others were enrolling in Concordia’s Adult Degree Programs (ADP), which allow working adults to complete their bachelor’s degrees through a variety of program offerings and delivery modalities.

While Concordia hosts a variety of business-related events through the on-campus IncubatorCTX for Innovation and Impact, this was the first time students and applicants from all of Concordia’s post-traditional programs were invited to an off-campus social. MBA Program Director Dr. Elise Brazier was also in attendance.

“Networking allows for opportunities, shared ideas and knowledge,” Brazier said. “This is especially important for career building and professional growth.”

ctx-golf-teamBrazier also had some advice for professionals on how to make the most of networking opportunities: “Select events carefully and ones that provide value, and if you don't feel comfortable going it alone, bring a colleague or friend.”

Brazier’s advice seems well in line with recent research on networking and job placement. In his survey of 3,000 people, Lou Adler, LinkedIn influencer and author, found that 85 percent of jobs are filled by networking events.

This means that it goes both ways: not only are professionals attending networking events for exposure to better opportunities, but employers are also using networking to fill jobs. This also holds true for entrepreneurs looking for opportunities and connections to help grow their business.

ctx-golf-picCTX TopGolf Takeover is one of several networking events hosted every year through the Concordia MBA. Golfers of all skill levels, and none at all, showed up to connect with the Concordia family, over some apps and libations.

By the way, Capstone research from our MBA students revealed that casual golfers singled out beer as the second most important amenity at Austin golf centers.

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