CTX Blog

Dr. Shane Sokoll Takes Spain by Storm - Part 1

April 04, 2019
Dr. Shane Sokoll in Spain

Dr. Shane Sokoll, Concordia’s Chief Strategy Officer and associate professor of business/HRM, was named a Fulbright Senior Scholar. Sokoll has been in Santa Cruz de Tenerife since January, working at La Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) to conduct research seminars and teach a few theoretical sessions.

He has been keeping a blog of his time there, including some important lessons he’s learned along the way. Check them out!

Arriving in Spain

Dr. Shane Sokoll Arrival in Spain

Read all about the Sokolls’ arrival in Spain and how they were welcomed.

To CTX Blog or Not

Welcomed by the ULL

Experiencing New Culture

Dr. Shane Sokoll at Cafe

Discover the different cultural experiences Sokoll has shared with his family in Spain.

Culture and Transportation

Living on an Island, Off the Tip of Africa

Dia de Reyes

Fulbright Spain Academic Conference

Dr. Shane Sokoll Presentation

In these posts, Sokoll writes about his presentation at the Fulbright Spain Academic Conference. In true CTX style, Tornado Tex made an appearance!

Presenting at the Conference

You’ve Arrived to a Desert


Dr. Shane Sokoll ULL

Learn more about Sokoll’s work at ULL.

First Day

International Collaboration

Speaking at a CESCO Seminar

Check out part 2 of Dr. Sokoll's adventure!

Follow To Lead or Not and you’ll receive Sokoll’s new blog posts through email. Congratulations to the Sokolls as they take Spain by storm!