CTX Blog

Get the Most out of Your CTX Journey with These Pointers

August 28, 2018

At Concordia, we want you to take advantage of every resource and activity that we have to offer. After all, you're paying for them!

Here's our list of the places you should be visiting and the things you should be doing as a CTX Tornado!

Get familiar with Student Central

At Concordia University Texas, Student Central is central to student success.

Made up of offices that manage and maintain various aspects of student success, Student Central strives to be the one-stop-shop where students are able to get the assistance they need, or be directed to someone who can give it to them.

Student Central is located on the second floor of Building C in room C-256.

Let’s break down which offices are which:

Student Financial Planning: Student Financial Planners serve as financial aid advisors, as well as accounts receivables representatives. They ensure students take care of financial aid requirements (including VA assistance) and pay their bills. They also work to increase student financial literacy and student awareness regarding the investment of higher education. They serve all on-ground populations in both undergraduate and graduate programs.

Student Academic Planning: Student Academic Planners partner with faculty members to help students move along in degree progression. They help facilitate several academic processes such as petitions, Study Abroad, internships and building degree plans. Each Student Academic Planner is assigned specific majors to work with and serves all on-ground populations in both undergraduate and graduate programs

Office of Student Registration and Records: This team takes care of all the behind-the-scenes steps required to offer courses and maintain official academic records. Ensuring adherence to academic policies, preserving academic integrity, safeguarding academic records and overseeing the registration process all fall under the Office of Student Registration and Records’ umbrella.

Utilize the Success Center

If you are struggling with your assignments, the Success Center is there for you! This team oversees student disability services, academic support/tutoring and counseling.

Students can learn tips for taking online courses, utilize best study practices and take advantage of The Writing Center by visiting the Success Center. Visit Building F (The library) Room F-214 to get the help you need.

Visit the Center for Vocation and Professional Development

This staff provides a pathway to meaningful work by connecting students, alumni and employers in ways that facilitate personal and professional growth.

Students get assistance exploring vocation, while staff helps them expand the meaning of a purposeful life beyond a career. Go to Building F (The library) Room F-208, to get on your personal path toward meaningful work.

Join a club or organization

Joining a club (or two, or three) is a great way to feel integrated into the college community. You will be able to forge friendships with people that share your interests and develop relationships with people who might be beneficial to network with in the future.

Joining a club encourages you to spend more time on campus and to make connections with other clubs and organizations around Concordia. There are currently academic clubs, honor/service clubs, faith clubs, recreational clubs and special interest clubs available for interested students.

Check them out here!

Use the library

How much studying are you getting done sitting on that couch while streaming the latest episode of Orange is the New Black? Get what you (or your parents) are paying for and take advantage of the wonderful studying space that Tornados all across campus have access to.

While you are at it, why not check out some books? Your latest binge show won’t hold it against you.

Attend athletic events

Be a participant, an enthusiast and a supporter of Tornado sports.

We encourage all of our students, faculty and staff to show some spirit and cheer on the talented men and women who are representing us in baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, tennis, track & field, softball and volleyball.

Go to chapel/student worship

Attend daily weekday Chapel in Building A at 10 a.m. You can also get involved in student led worship by attending the Thursday evening worship services at 9:09 p.m. Read more about it here.

Study abroad

Concordia University Texas offers study abroad programs in more than 30 countries. Students who have earned 24 credit hours and have a 2.75 cumulative GPA are eligible to begin their international adventure.