CTX Blog

Fall 2019 Art Exhibition

September 26, 2019
Moby Dick Art Exhibition

The Concordia University Texas College of Fine Arts and the Department of Art are proud to present A Moby Dick Experience: Hershall Seals, the Fall 2019 art exhibition.

When & Where

The exhibition will be on display from September 7 to December 5, displayed in the Gallery at the entrance of Building B. The Gallery is directly in front of the bookstore, between IncubatorCTX and the UFCU Student Center.

Artist Statement

Hershall Seals is the artist of the three works, all of which are inspired by the novel Moby Dick. The presentation consists of paintings on the subject of the last three chapters of the book.

The exhibition features three large mixed media, acrylic paintings that visually portray the feeling of impending disaster and the demise of the crew of whalers who hunted the white whale around the world.

Seals explained, “Abstract painting is a means for me to leave the port and hunt for an elusive goal under the surface, which is for me a mysterious and surprising search for a personal abstract visual language.”

Art Minor

Students have the opportunity to minor in art at CTX. Our small classes provide you with individualized attention as you study and develop your artistic skills.

Our flexible degree plan allows you to customize your art minor to what interests you. And our location in Austin gives students access to valuable resources, including galleries that feature nearly every style and medium of art.

The CTX art minor features:

  • Art history and theory
  • Theatre and video production
  • Guest artists
  • Traditional and contemporary media

Why Minor in Art?

A minor in art equips you with critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential for any vocation.

Additionally, a minor in art can supplement your degree and set you apart from other job candidates. For example, a photographer with a BBA in marketing and a minor in art will stand out from a candidate who focused strictly on photography.

Learn more about the CTX art program!