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Academically-Based Service-Learning


Academically-Based Service-Learning (ABSL) provides students with the opportunity to engage in service-learning in connection with their courses through linking service experiences with relevant assignments and activities. Through this integration, service becomes a pedagogical tool that is used to meet course objectives as well as a way to serve individuals and communities. ABSL may be used across disciplines.


  • Include service-learning as an option in place of another requirement for a class, such as a paper.
  • Make service-learning a requirement for a particular course, relating the assignment to specific course objectives (more integral to the particular objectives of the course).
  • Design a 1-credit service-learning component for students who register for this option.

Faculty members, if you are considering ABSL, the Service-Learning Program can assist you by:

  • Providing resources research syllabi, information on local organizations, books on service-learning.
  • Serving as a liaison between you and a service organization.
  • Giving students ideas for service opportunities.
  • Providing help with publicity, facility use, and other needs that arise.
  • Helping you celebrate success!

Here is a useful resource that provides discipline-specific ideas for ABSL projects:

Sample Syllabi from Campus Compact

Printed handouts and books that discuss ABSL ideas are also available in the Service-Learning Center (F-201).

Please share what you are doing!

Email us.