Sociology DegreeSociology Degree


What Does It Look Like To Study Sociology at Concordia?

A greater understanding of one’s neighbor has become ever more important as globalization, immigration, and demographic shifts bring diverse individuals into more frequent contact and challenge existing power structures.

Students who are interested in gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to make a positive difference in their relationships, communities, society and the world major in sociology.

Program Overview

"Sociology is the scientific study of human beings from a broader, macro-level approach that focuses on social norms, ideologies, and intersections that are both traditional and fluid," Dr. Bruce Reese, program co-director, explained. "Compared to other behavioral sciences, like psychology that focuses on how individuals operate and maneuver through interactions, sociology focuses on larger institutional forces and entities that impact us as individuals. It also focuses on how those forces and entities are developed over time and how they are changed."

  • Curriculum with a central focus on social justice prepares students to make positive changes in the world.
  • This major is ideal for students looking to pursue a graduate degree in human services, social work or sociology.
  • Through University-provided research and service opportunities, students may find themselves serving locally or across the world.
  • Interdisciplinary courses, such as political science, history and English, prepare students for roles in a variety of industries.

Curriculum Overview for a Sociology Degree

A sociological perspective asks how and why people’s life circumstances differ and explores the impact of various social contexts. Students encounter the complexity of diverse human beings who are created in God’s image (Imago Dei) and live together in a fallen world.

The program is centered around the concept of leveraging sociological knowledge and skills to achieve social justice for all. With four concentrations to choose from — criminology, Latinx studies, social welfare and specialized — you will earn a degree that aligns with your specific aspirations.

Our small class sizes offer:

  • Rich classroom discussions.
  • Individualized attention from professors.
  • Opportunities to get to know fellow students.

Through Service-Learning projects, you’ll have the opportunity to put the knowledge and skills you develop into action.

With this major, you’ll develop skills in sociological knowledge, research, oral and written communication, leadership, and critical thinking, all of which can be applied to an array of different careers. Additionally, you will gain the research and writing capabilities required to pursue a graduate degree.

Program Benefits

  • Curriculum with a focus on social justice
  • Personalized degree with one of four specializations
  • Interdisciplinary courses, preparing you for a variety of roles across several industries
  • Encouragement to complete an internship or travel course
  • Capstone (applied research or advocacy project)

"Sociology sheds light on the structural causes of injustice and suffering and equips those with such knowledge to make a positive difference in their relationships, in communities, in society and in the world."
— Dr. Ann Schwartz, Program Co-Director

Career Outcomes

  • Human Resources Specialist
  • Lawyer
  • Lobbyist
  • Public Policy Specialist
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Researcher
  • Social Worker
  • Therapist


  • Why study Sociology?

    Sociology is a tool through which you can learn more about your neighbors from various cultural backgrounds to serve them more effectively.

  • What can I do with this major?

    Sociology equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to solve societal problems, advocate for social change, and work for justice for all people. You will be prepared with skills that are applicable to a wide range of industries.